Inside the Nate Parker Rape Case

The Daily Beast delves into Birth of a Nation filmmaker Nate Parker’s college rape trial—and speaks to the family of the alleged victim, who committed suicide a decade later.
It was no simple wave.
Minutes after bringing down the Sundance Film Festival house with the world premiere of Birth of a Nation, filmmaker Nate Parker invited the “family” of cast and crew (most had tears in their eyes) onstage for helping him land his eight-year opus on the silver screen.
During the Q&A, Parker realized he had missed someone.
“Jean? Where’s Jean? Come here,” he said, waving his right hand that held the mic.
Jean was Jean Celestin—Parker’s former Penn State roommate and wrestling teammate. The bearded, bespectacled man took his place next to Parker and was praised for co-writing and developing the film about Nat Turner’s slave rebellion that is already an Oscar favorite.
They stood there, soaking up the splendor.
But that wave. Celestin had perhaps seen it before.
It was back in August 1999, when Parker allegedly waved Celestin into his bedroom as he was having sex with a Penn State freshman, according to court testimony.
Celestin and his friend, Tamerlane Kangas, idled in the doorway, and Parker reportedly gestured for them to come join. Kangas testified that Celestin obliged, disregarding a warning from him: “No, you don’t want to go inside that room.”
And in less than a half-hour of sex, the lives of two young men and one young woman changed forever.
State College police were convinced that night didn’t just involve casual sex and two months later, prosecutors brought charges against Celestin and Parker for rape and sexual assault.
The Daily Beast reviewed hundreds of pages of court documents, in which cops accused the young men of accosting “Jennifer” while she was allegedly unconscious. (The Daily Beast is using a pseudonym for the alleged victim to protect her family.)
Parker and Celestin did not return messages left by The Daily Beast asking for comment on this story.
The former wrestlers admitted to having sex with the 18-year-old scholarship student—they claimed it was consensual—and Celestin also admitted he never wore a condom.
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